About me

He is half-Japanese, and I am...Not. So this is me trying to learn how to make sushi and eat it too. Or sometimes, just eating all the rice and smiling between every bite.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The Pros of a Rough Situation

Dallin is gone. It will be two weeks tomorrow, but it feels like much longer. 

My very Fukui family is a little less Fukui without him. 


Lucky for us, there are some pros in this rough situation. 

1. My mom and dad let me move back home. Some people might think of this as a con, but sometimes they laugh at my jokes.

2. Technology has advanced. Dallin and I can FaceTime, text, call, or Skype. And we do...
But I probably abuse my emoji and gif rights.

3. My mom makes me dinner. She even texts me when I'm at school to see if I'm going to make it in time to eat. 

4. I've learned how to remove cookies from my computer. The Internet is just too good. After checking Hotwire 1,000 times for tickets, their ads start to follow me. 

5. The time spent commuting to school is great for singing loudly and off key in a judgement free zone. 

6. My parents have TV. Like... Real TV. This could be a pro or con, depending on how you look at it. From an academic perspective, it's a con. But my sudden obsession over CHOPPED and my love affair with Parks and Rec reassure me that it's definitely a pro. 

7. I can make popcorn and run the microwave AT THE SAME TIME! This was quite the risk in our old apartment. I may or may not have shorted out the entire kitchen once.... or twice...

8. I get to spend extra time with some really great people. It's only been two weeks, but I've felt a lot of love and support from friends and family. And I'm grateful for them.

8. Dallin likes his job and the people he works with.

9. I leave for Texas in 30 days.

Spring Break can't come fast enough.

1 comment:

  1. I was going to list all of the numbers I liked that you listed above but... it's all of them.
